Conte d’Attimis Maniago

The company is located in Buttrio (UD) 100km east of Venice and 90km south of the border with Austria, in the ‘Friuli Colli Orientali’ DOC district,precisely in a hilly area dedicated to the productionof winein which vineyards are predominant feature of landscape, The family estate extends across 110 hectares of vineyards. On 15thFebruary 1585, the noble family d’Attimis-Maniago receivedthe Buttrio company as drwry for a marriage. In the words of current owner, Count Alberto : “Our relationship with the vine and the vineyard is a family union which has lasted over 400 years”.

The origin of the Attimis dynasty dates back to the patriarchy of Aquileia and, as attested by the imposing family archive, a significant production of wine began in the 1700s, even if there are many testimonies of wine being shipped to Italy and other foreign countries in earlier centuries.

The first bottles of Conte dAttimis-Maniago appear in 1930, a pioneering initiative in the Friuli region. As Count Alberto often states: “We are proud of our past; it is a heritage rich in tradition and experience from which to glean strength and learn important lessons. The story of my family and the tradition of my land are essential pieces of our current business philosophy because they force me to commit to what I have received from those who came before me and to what I will leave to those who come after. They also constantly inspire our innovative spirit and desire to improve“.


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